
The Pony Express Riders of Iowa will be holding their 20th consecutive annual horse raffle this year during the Iowa State Fair!


All proceeds from the raffle will go towards aiding children and adults with disabilities in attending Easter Seals of Iowa’s Camp Sunnyside,

a camp designed, built and staffed to meet the recreational needs of campers with all types of disabilities.




Raffle tickets will be available every day during the state fair in the Avenue of Breeds, where the horse will be on display.

A $1 donation will get you a ticket.

The Avenue of Breeds is located directly across from Stockman’s Inn in the fairgrounds hog barn.


The horse to be raffled will also be on display at Stockman’s prior to the drawing, which will be held Sunday at noon,  August 18.  Those buying raffle tickets need not be present to win but the winner will have the choice to take a $950 Visa giftcard or the horse.


So “giddyeeup” over and buy a ticket for a good cause.

You may be riding your brand new horse home from the fair!



  Contact your local Pony Express member, call (515) 309-9779, email or go to for more information.